Lisa s.

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Seattle, Washington, United States

Über Lisa s.

58 Jahre alt | Massage Therapist, Writer/Educator

Jeff and I love to travel, particularly to beach destinations. I am a licensed massage therapist, licensed educator, and professional writer. Prior to moving to the west coast, I owned and managed a restaurant, then taught Baking and Pastry Arts at a culinary school following sale of the business. Jeff is a life-long surfer who owns and operates a landscape maintenance company. We both love the water and water sports, including surfing, SUPing, snorkeling. Jeff is an experienced diver. In addition to licensure to teach in the school setting, I have health/wellness instruction experience, including yoga and personal fitness. As a freelance writer, I prefer to have reliable wi-fi, though it is not required for shorter stays. We own a small guest house which we rent to guests through AirBnb, and enjoy meeting guests from all over the world. We are both professionals at a point in our careers that we may spend a significant portion of our time traveling, and enjoy being productive while seeing the world. We look forward to bringing our experience and skills to your property so you may enjoy your own travels with peace of mind!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Jeff, Landscaper/Gardener, Surfer, Ehepartner / Partner

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