Lenise m.

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Distrito Federal, Brazil

Über Lenise m.

43 Jahre alt | English teacher and trader

We are a very young and responsible couple. My name is Lenise and I am 37 years old. My husband Fernando is 30 years old. We live in Brasília, the capital of Brasil. I am an English teacher and trader and my husband is a Systems Administrator. We have been married for almost 6 years. We don´t have children. We have 2 dogs: Minnie and Fox. Minnie lives with us in the apartment because she´s small. Fox is an Akitta, so he lives with my mother-in-law. We love traveling. And now that we know this kind of traveling, we are very anxious to home-sit. I love to take care of my house. I have a person who cleans it twice a month. During the other days, I like to do the housework by myself. Minnie sleeps with us every day. When we travel she stays with one of my students, in a very comfortable house where I am sure she is treated the same way: with so much love and caring.

I love animals, all kinds. I already had two rabbits when I was a little girl. But I always had dogs. My husband too. So, for us it will be a real pleasure to take care of other people´s pets because we know how important they are in our lives. We already took care of a cat. His name is Floquinho. It was an amazing weekend. We live in a building where there are many pets. We also take care of two dogs (Nina and Enzo)when their owner travels.

It will also be a pleasure to take care of other people´s house in different parts of the country because we are used to it in Brasil. We also prefer to feel like we were at home when traveling. We really prefer it than staying in a hotel.

Our daily routine includes walking and taking care of our Minnie, so for us taking care of your pet will be a real pleasure. Our daily routine also includes working from home. So Minnie is rarely alone! The same will be with your pet when we home-sit there. We love satying home! For us and for you it will fit perfectly! This hosting model was made for us! I am sure!

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Fernando, 36 Jahre alt, Systems Administrator, Ehepartner / Partner

Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Spanisch | Portugiesisch

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