Sanaya d.

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Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand

Über Sanaya d.

36 Jahre alt | Teacher


I am a primary school teacher, who grew up in India. I moved to New Zealand when I was 21years old, where I studied and worked for seven years, before moving to London for two years. Now I am back in Kiwiland! I have lead a truly international life, and I respect and value the different cultures that have become a part of my identity. As a result, I am also an avid traveller, and love experiencing different ways of life and interacting with other travellers.

I am a warm, affectionate person. I love animals and have kept dogs and cats all my life. They have been some of the best friends I have had! Their company and sharing their love, brings me joy.

I am a creative person and love painting, sketching, singing, theatre and salsa dancing. My weekends are spent in museums, art gallery's, or buried in a book on a park bench. I learned Yoga in India and enjoy indoor rock climbing(so that I feel like less of a slob).

I love pet-sitting! It is a great way to make friends(human and animal :P) and experience different lifestyles.

I have been flatting for over ten years now and am a responsible, neat person. As a teacher, I am very organised. I like things to be beautiful and ordered, so I will respect your space and look after it as my own home.

Why I want to house sit:
I have kept animals my whole life and I miss looking after them. I have been in London for a year and have not been able to keep a pet and therefore would love to spend some time with a furry friend.

My Experience:
When I was a teenager, I worked with horses on my uncle's farm where I rode, tended and brushed them. I love their spirit and flighty wildness. I have a good seat in the saddle.

I love animals, so I'm happy to work with any animals, and not afraid to get my hand's dirty. I have been pet-sitting for two years now, during which time I have cared for dogs, cats, rabbits, poultry, and gardens( if Tomato vines count as pets :P) both in apartments and on farms.

I have been flatting for six years and I have always treated my houses with respect and kept them clean and tidy. I like my space to be beautiful, so I will look after yours well. I have travelled using Air B&B where I have stayed in other's homes and taken care of them. I am happy to share reviews and references if you need them.

I am responsible, clean and respectful. I love animals, so will take good care of yours. I have kept them my whole life, so I know how to look after them.

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Gesprochene Sprache(n)
Englisch | Französisch | Hindi

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