Shane s.

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Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Über Shane s.

70 Jahre alt | Commissioned Officer Police Qld


My name is Shane and my wife's name is Gaye. We are keen and dedicated members of House Carers and Nomador with many assignments and excellent references for your perusal. We are also members of Homelink (home exchange) and we have had a number of home and car exchanges and have good references on that site and also on AirB&B. (Search House Carers - sitter name - seagull1954 )As an added benefit to you is that I am handy with home maintenance. I have owner built one home and renovated six. I am a retired commissioned officer from the Police Service after thirty years, so good with management, security and decision making.

Gaye was involved in school administration with Fairholme College. Our home has a pool and gardens so we are across maintenance there. We are both pet lovers and will love meeting and caring for yours. We are non smokers and maintain a very active lifestyle. We will engage house sitters in our absence.

We are now retired six years and have travelled widely and would now like to stay in interesting areas and provide management to your home and care for your pets and gardens.

Warm regards Shane & Gaye Seccull

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Meine Reisebegleiter
Gaye, 69 Jahre alt, School Admin. Retired, Ehepartner / Partner

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